Model: iB24
Noise-Isolation, In-Ear Stereo Headphones
with iPod/iPhone Volume Control
Using Your iHome Headphones
The earpieces are marked “L” and “R”. Place the “L” earpiece in
your left ear and the “R” earpiece in your right ear for proper fit
and best sound. If the earpieces are inserted incorrectly they will not fit properly in your ears and the sound
quality will not be satisfactory. When worn properly the iPod/iPhone controller will be positioned on your
right side, closer to the right ear bud.
NOTE: Your iB24 headphones are supplied with three different size silicon tips (S-M-L) for maximum
comfort and to seal out unwanted noise. The “M” (medium) size tips were installed at our factory. If you
find that the installed tips are too small or too large for your ears, you may remove them and replace them
with the larger or smaller size accessory tips. To replace the tips simply pull them off the earpieces. To
install different size tips, push them on to the earpieces and make sure they are fully seated on each
earpiece so that they do not come off when you remove the earpiece from your ear. If one of the tips
remains in your ear when you remove the headphones, remove the tip carefully and avoid pushing it further
into your ear canal. Seek medical assistance if one of the tips becomes lodged in your ear and you are
unable to remove it.
Connect the headphone plug to the headphone jack of your music player. Be sure that the plug is fully
inserted into the jack. If the plug is not fully inserted you may only hear sound from one earpiece.
To protect your hearing, always start listening with the In-Line Volume Control set to a low level and
gradually increase the volume to a comfortable listening level.
Note: The iPod/iPhone controller on the cable performs the same functions as the controls on your iPod
or iPhone. It is not necessary to make separate volume adjustments on your iPod/iPhone and on the
Using the iPod/iPhone Controller
Note: This controller is designed specifically for use with
Apple iPod and iPhone models. The controller will not
work with other MP3 players, CD players, or other audio
products that include a headphone jack.
Master Control
Click to Increase
Click x2 for Next Track
Click x3 for Previous Track
Click to Play/Pause
The iPod/iPhone controller with microphone is
compatible with the following iPod and iPhone models:
iPhone 3GS – 16GB, 32GB
Click to Decrease
Press + Hold for iPod
Shuffle VoiceOver
iPod touch, 2nd generation – 8GB, 16GB, 32GB
iPod nano, 5th generation, video camera - 8GB, 16GB
iPod shuffle, 3rd generation – 2GB, 4GB
iPod classic – 120GB, 160GB (2009)
To Do This
Action Required
Activate voice control*
Answer or end a call
Depress the Master Control for 2 seconds
Press the Master Control once to answer call
Press the Master Control again to end call
Ignore an incoming call
Depress the Master Control for 2 seconds
Answer a second incoming call
and place original call on hold
Press the Master Control once to answer second call
Press the Master Control again to return to first call
Answer a second incoming call,
and end original call
Depress the Master Control for 2 seconds
2 low tones will confirm end of original call.
Switch between two calls
Play or Pause
Press the Master Control once to switch between calls
Press Master Control once to Play, again to Pause
Press Master Control 2 times quickly
Skip Track or Chapter Forward
Skip Track or Chapter Back
Press Master Control 3 times quickly
Increase Volume
Decrease Volume
Press the "+" button
Press the " - " button
Activate VoiceOver**
Press and hold the Master Control to hear title and
artist of currently playing song
Navigate Playlists using VoiceOver**
Press and hold the Master Control until tone is heard,
then release. When the name of the desired playlist is
heard, press the Master Control once to select it.
* Voice control feature is only available on iPhone 3GS.
** VoiceOver feature is only available on the iPod shuffle 3rd generation.
IMPORTANT! Listening at high volume for long periods of time can result in long-term hearing
damage. For your safety, do not use headphones if they would prevent you from hearing warning
sounds, such as while driving a car or motorcycle, riding a bike, etc. Remember that noise isolation
type earphones such as the iB15 are very effective in blocking outside noise, including warning
sounds. Always be aware of your surroundings and do not use these earphones in situations that
require you to hear warning sounds.
NOTE: In extremely cold or dry air conditions you may notice a slight ‘tingling’ feeling in your ears
when using in-ear headphones. This is the result of the build-up of static electricity in your body. This
is normal and not an indication of any problem with your headphones.
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